
an Atlantic Works Gallery production

January 14 – 28, 2017

Gallery members and invited artists interpret yellow

  1. of the color between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive color complementary to blue; colored like ripe lemons or egg yolks
  2. informal
    “he’d better get back there quick and prove he’s not yellow”

    • archaic
      showing jealousy or suspicion.
  3. (of a book or newspaper) unscrupulously sensational.
    1. yellow color or pigment:
      “the craft detonated in a blaze of red and yellow” ·
      “painted in vivid blues and yellows”

      • yellow clothes or material:
        “everyone dresses in yellow”
    2. the yolk of an egg.
    3. (yellows)
      any of a number of plant diseases in which the leaves turn yellow, typically caused by viruses and transmitted by insects.
      1. become a yellow color, especially with age:
        “the cream paint was beginning to yellow” ·
        “yellowing lace curtains” · “a yellowed newspaper cutting”

Opening Reception: Thursday, January 19, 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 2-6 PM or by appointment

Samantha Marder in dressing room. BENT 2016

Samantha Marder in dressing room. BENT 2016

Meret Oppenheim is supposed to have described her famous Objet (Le Déjeuner en Fourrure-1936 ), the fur-covered cup, saucer and spoon, as “the image of femininity imprinted in the minds of men and projected on to women.”

Samantha Marder’s BENT  installation at  Boston’s Atlantic Works Gallery (December 3-30, 2016), begs similar questions as the cup: the social reality construct of femininity meets the reality of both being female, and/or dressing up like one. While the act itself–when we consider cross dressing to be an artistic act that makes its way to a gallery–questions who exactly is the man dressing up for? Perhaps the best answer is: himself, the person who in the moment is both male and female, the male projecting his dream on himself as a woman.

In turn, the witnessing of the documentation of man dressing up for himself and the accruements he uses to do it makes us, the viewer, a bit uncomfortable in the same way the idea of drinking tea from Oppenheim’s cup does. It’s a visceral “wait a minute!” reaction that is accompanied by a politically correct liberal voice that says, “It’s all right.”

But we all are programmed to react: real men don’t spend hours looking into mirrors; real women don’t really dress up like the man who is play acting a slut, a bride, a maid wearing crotchless underwear, or a mean horny nurse.

In our polarized culture, men are not to be treated as mere body, and women must consider themselves primarily body. The portrayed body becomes the feminized body, regardless of its sex.

Marder shows, in her installation, that femininity has image; masculinity has no image.

The two rooms in the gallery are set up like this:  One room is Reality. The second room is Dreamland.The middle divider is a dark curtain, like the subconscious, that the gallery goer and the cross dresser passes through when entering the rabbit hole.

Reality room. Samantha Marder Photos on wall. BENT, 2016.

Reality room.  BENT, 2016.

The reality room showcases a row of snapshots of men wearing wigs, women’s clothing and make-up.They look like they’re all having a blast: laughing, showing cleavage, revealing the thigh line of black stockings.

In the same room, on the opposite wall, is Marder’s journal, a sociological observation of

degrees of sexual, sexy and social behaviors; a list of the fantasies men prefer to act out after they’ve dressed up as women (job interviews, caught in the act of sexual betrayal, automat slut).

Once you pass through the black curtain, to the dreamland side of her installation, Marder shows you the nuts and bolts of the business of cross dressing all bathed in soft pink lights. There’s a lounge area to relax, listen to music, a basket of soft buttered buns. In one corner is a softly lighted bridal gown ( “Hindu men’s favorite fantasy,” she pointed out.)  In front of the leather sofa and  floor cushions is a glass topped coffee table filled with an assemblage of breast protheses.

To the far right in the dreamland area, is a small closet of a room lined floor-to ceiling with mirrors. It has a shag rug and a chandelier composed of pink fluffy petticoats.  In this room gallery goers can try on one of a handful of wigs and/or high heels, test dozens of tubes of lipstick, touch feathers. Girl heaven.

Samantha Marder in dreamland room with Bridal Gown. BENT, 2016

Samantha Marder  with Bridal Gown. BENT, 2016

Marder, who in addition to being an artist-exhibitor at Atlantic Works Gallery, has worked as a cross dresser facilitator for the past 20 years.  She has a degree in cultural anthropology and previously worked as a social worker.

Her show BENT is an intellectually eroticized exhibit that agrees reality is a construct; that plays with philosophical ideas about reality and gender; that acknowledges real men can’t dress up as women and hang out at their country club or attend their business’s board meetings.

“Usually men who want the experience of dressing up as a woman have to go to a dominatrix or prostitute. I am neither.”  She finds clients through ads in magazines, such as Boston Magazine.

Marder has a collection of over 200 miniskirts in her studio and perhaps twice as many panties. “Certain men reduce anxiety and stress by cross dressing, ” Marder said. “I am their fairy godmother, their facilitator, their guide.”

BENT is Marder’s second gender exploring installation at Atlantic Works Gallery.

BTW: in the 30s Meret Oppenheim sold her fur lined cup to the MoMA in New York for $50. Since this was the first work by a woman the museum acquired, Oppenheim is playfully called the First Lady of MoMA.

Object (or Luncheon in Fur), by Meret Oppenheim. In 1936, Oppenheim wrapped a teacup, saucer and spoon in fur. In the age of Freud, a gastro-sexual interpretation was inescapable. Even today, the work triggers intense reactions.

Object (or Luncheon in Fur), by Meret Oppenheim. In 1936, Oppenheim wrapped a teacup, saucer and spoon in fur. In the age of Freud, a gastro-sexual interpretation was inescapable. Even today, the work triggers intense reactions.

BENT – A Retrospective

Twenty years of cross gender work

December 5 – 30, 2016

Gender euphoria, rather than gender dysphoria, animates Samantha Marder’s new solo show at Atlantic Works Gallery in Boston.

Presented in various media, BENT  is not only visually intriguing but also sheds light on the notions of identity,  rapidly shifting cultural and biological constructs, therapeutic indulgence and personal evolution as the work glides along the gender spectrum.

Surprisingly, much of the focus of this show is on the agnostic dresser–the “tourist’ or hobbyist” who indulges, but does not commit, to change. Turns out the Everyman of gender bending is in actuality a straight married middle-aged male.

Several portraits of trans men further complement this post from our cultural boardwalk.
The show reflects Marder’s work of two decades creating often evanescent art, much of it fashioned in My Changing Room, a cross dressing studio in Boston she founded and runs.

The Show includes: The Portrait Gallery, celebrating the joy and drama of the blooming Narcissus experience; Archive Lounge, revealing exuberant correspondence and (discretely filtered) candid photos; Dressing Room, allowing a tiny re-creation of the transformation experience with accoutrements  and favored items (all available to try); Narrative elements, providing context with dashes of wit and whimsy; Installations, highlighting relics of years spent frocking.

Opening Reception: Saturday, December 3, 2016, 6-9PM
Third Thursday Reception and Artist Talks: Thursday, December 15, 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, 1-5 PM or by appointment


New work by Perla Castaneda and Kristen Freitas

November 5 – 27, 2016

Both artists explore the difference between reality and perception based on social norms and ideas taught to us at young age. Perla and Kristen focus on topics relating to the body and how we can give it praise. They document overcoming personal struggles that are relatable but not often discussed and sometimes seen as taboo. They would like to bring social awareness with their new work.

Perla Castaneda enlightens us on the topic of pregnancy overcoming her personal struggles and the common myths surrounding being pregnant.

Kristen Freitas immerses her work in the topics relating to identity of self-worth, self- harm and body positivity.

While both concentrating on the self, Perla and Kristen showcase a variety of mediums and approaches to thought provoking topics.

Opening Reception: Saturday, November 5, 2016, 6-9PM
Third Thursday Reception and Artist Talks: Thursday, November 17, 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, 1-5 PM or by appointment

Major Kaye in her Atlantic Works Studio

Major Kaye in her Atlantic Works Studio, September 2016

Atlantic Works Gallery Member 


Marjorie Kaye’s sculptures reach out and in and up and beyond. The transcendent stacks of energy are constructed from pieces of plywood, which are cut into shapes with a jig saw, smoothed and then tinted with bold gouache color–or house paint washes. The pieces are assembled in sequences, one piece glued or nailed against the other, forming patterns that transit from basic schematics of color and size into higher, longer and wider dimensions that strive to be freed from the constraints physicality. In her gracious unfolding of form, Kaye considers the mechanics of duality, and the vibration between the laws of intention and those of magnetism.

Perhaps classical in inception, the sculptures are very particular to our present time and reflect the emotions of a meditation on internal space. “I reflect who I am as a person. I bring my inside experience outside,” Kaye says.

Kaye sculptures and paintings have been shown both locally and nationally. She has an BFA in painting and has done graduate work in printmaking. Her work has been reviewed in many publications including the Boston Globe and ArtScope Magazine. She is the founder/member/owner of Galatea Fine Art in Boston, MA, a large artist-run gallery.

In her most recent work Kaye breaks down the emotive qualities of sound, dissecting music, particularly the curvaceous, meticulous and musical chases composed by Bach. She appreciates Bach’s order and expression, pointing out that his arrangements are repetitive and sequential, like her art. “Bach didn’t express chaos. Order allows emotion to come through.”

Kaye grew up in the Boston area, in a musical environment. “It began in the crib–the listening, the appreciating, the dissecting. The family took me to Leonard Bernstein concerts, to musicals.” She remembers seeing, The Carnival of Animals with her grandmother. Kaye sang in oratorios. “In my mid-20s, after art school, I studied voice. But I found I was more interested in music theory than performance. The calibrations. Cadence. The ideas.”

“Yes,” she smiles. “I ride a lot of different horses,”  adding, “when I was young I  started a journey of many disciplines: music, the occult, theosophy, astrology, Judeo-Christian texts, the Kabbala. Eventually it culminated in Zen Buddhism.  And I’m still investigating, contemplating, researching…

“When I think about organized religion, I see no differences. Each is a system to look at the threads that join all of us together.” That thread is apparent in her art. “The most important thing in life is God and spirit. My  art is a spiritual practice; my ongoing contemplation is about the meaning of life. I ask: Who are we? What is nature?

She turned to sculpture as an expressive form when she and her companion, Artist George Shaw, began living together. “George is also a woodworker,” she explains. “There were of scraps of wood around the house. I started shaping the pieces and painting them. Finally I gave myself permission to do sculpture.“

Previously her painting (which she still practices and exhibits) had focused on the mandala. A mandala is a ritual symbol, representing the universe, that guides viewers into a sacred, internal space. “Instead of painting mandalas I began building them,” she says.

Marjorie Kaye's sculptural mandalas

Marjorie Kaye’s sculptural mandalas

In 2016 Marjorie was awarded by the Provincetown Art Association and Museum: a Lillian Orlowsky/ William Freed Foundation grant. “On the application I wrote that with the funding I would get a studio and I did.” In June Kaye moved her tools, paints and wood to  a studio in East Boston, to 80 Border Street, Atlantic Works Studios.

In her studio she doesn’t listen to music. “I like complete silence. Plus I use power tools, and they make a lot of loud noise.” As far as color, the color of her work is bold. “The brighter the better,” she says. Orange seems to be the bridge color. “I use orange to pull everything together. To get from here to there.”

She can’t predict how having a dedicated art studio will effect her work. “For sure I have more opportunity to look and consider each piece,” she says. “But I worked hard in my home studio. I’m just a hard worker; it’s my nature. I’m process oriented. I make the best of any situation.”

Marjorie Kaye getting ready to use the jigsaw

Marjorie Kaye getting ready to use the jigsaw



The Poetics of Space. (with George Shaw) at Atlantic Works Gallery, 80 Border Street, East Boston, MA.  October 8-29, 2016.

Colo Colo Gallery, 29 Centre Street, New Bedford MA. December 2016



Featuring George Shaw and Marjorie Kaye

October 8 – 29, 2016
IMG Credit, L-R: George Shaw, Marjorie Kaye

George Shaw and Marjorie Kaye will present unique approaches examining the lyrical dissection of space and surface in in this two-person exhibition at Atlantic Works Gallery in East Boston.

George Shaw’s paintings and constructions are on and made of wood panels, and consist of oil paint, oil pastel, dry pigment, wax medium, molding and found objects. This combination produces a balance between luminosity and saturation, with a focus on texture and the relationship between minimal objects and space. The background and foreground is interchangeable, creating illusive space, yet there are very distinct relationships between them.

He writes: “The physics of consciousness, in relation to modern quantum mechanics theory illustrates my intention in regards to my work. I am interested in what consciousness truly is and the physical connection between our consciousness and/or spirit and the universe; and that we are truly interrelated.” The desire for an answer appears as a shelter, an anchor, a sanctuary: home. “Gradually, in my works, a house-like shape emerged, and became an important element: a counter-point to a universe, poised on the knife edge of meaning and the precipice of the void.”

Marjorie Kaye’s sculptures consist of individual forms cut from plywood, nailed and layered with wood glue. Some of the pieces are painted with gouache and sealed with acrylic medium. Others are made to be either interior or exterior pieces harmoniously settled within the environment, painted with exterior house paint. Whether free-standing or wall mounted, the pieces are built out from a mass or a singular point. Many are layered in a circular formation, forming cone-like attached entities.

Her gouache paintings start from automatic drawing, releasing form and shape from movement. The forms are immediately organic, swirling and undulating from one end of the surface from the other. Once this has been established, the shapes are dissecting it into their unique rhythms, balancing between energy and calculation. There are many solutions to the imminent puzzle put forth by the initial drawing, all based on sequence.

Both sculptures and paintings address the puzzles present within the etheric universe. Both inward and outward are the mechanics of duality, vibrating between the laws of intention and those of chance, and coming together in an ocean of predetermination.

Opening Reception: Saturday, October 8, 2016, 2016, 6-9PM
Third Thursday Reception and Artist Talks: Thursday, October 20, 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 2-6 PM or by appointment

Predicting the Past: A Sampler

Featuring Charlene Liska, Suzanne Mercury, and Diane Teubner

September 9 – 30, 2016
IMG Credit, L-R: Liska, Mercury, Teubner

Three artists look beneath the layer we call the present to predict, in cross-section, what may have been. In this dissection they realign the stitches, folding together pixel, weft, warp, and text – evaluating and fabricating new patterns of investigation.

Charlene Liska makes video installations, photos, and related recombinant paintings.

Suzanne Mercury draws from thresholds in her work – the liminal and transformative, intricate and ambiguous, the damaged and dreamlike.

Diane Teubner attends to interval, measure, and rhythms felt and found in her paintings and poetry.

Third Thursday Reception and Artist Talks: Thursday, September 15, 6-9PM
Closing Reception : Thursday, September 29, 2016, 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 2-6 PM or by appointment

Animal Farm

Atlantic Works Gallery Members and Invited Guests

July 21 – August 20 2016

Hot on the heels of the Art Auction for Farm Animals, Atlantic Works Gallery is pleased to present Animal Farm, a summer exhibition of paintings and objects by gallery members and their invited friends.

Animal Farm, the title of an allegorical and dystopian novella by George Orwell is a phrase that resonates with many of the themes that influence our contemporary milieu; animal rights, consumption, sustainability, nurturing, killing and giving into or repressing our animal instincts, just to name a few.

Opening Reception: Thursday July 21, 6-9PM
Third Thursday Reception: August 18, 6-9 PM

Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays from 2-6 PM

George Shaw

George Shaw

George Shaw’s paintings seduce the viewer with their color and secret. They are investigations of home and house, Shaw’s personal continent of experience. He studied painting at Massachusetts College of Art, graduating with honors, and works during the day as a master carpenter. Shaw also has a certificate in historic architectural  preservation. The paintings of a single house on an unnamed landscape provoke and free a sense of light, time and place and within those realms release a vulnerable precariousness. The seen feeling is a Hopper-esque isolation, a captured desire just out of grasp; a moment saturated with color and suggestion. The secret within the house is a light; life is happening.

Shaw said, however that his intention is not to be inside the house but to be approaching it.  “Life is an illusion,” he says, “we’re on a journey but we don’t know where. Meanwhile, we’re all looking for home.”  Home according to George, is a sense of place and security.

Shaw’s been producing paintings in his house series for two years.  His day job, finish carpenter, gives him the opportunity to be a voyeur in many people’s houses and family life.  He sees how people value their space and what they desire to have inside their house, how they create comfort and security and control the chaos and tentativness of life in their immediate surroundings.  “A lot of times it’s the idea they have of a house that people strive to attain.”

The paintings are very American in their idea of lone individualism, masculine in their frankness, saturated in color intelligence, and layered with spiritual meaning of potential ascension. Technically, Shaw’ paints on board using oil, powdered pigment, wax and glazes. He usually begins with the color in the sky and works his way down the board to the earth, knowing intuitively when the color needs to change. In many paintings a line of oil pastel defines the meeting line of heaven and earth, adding an intense seam of drama to that line where souls eventually ascend.

In the realm of the house, in search of the real resting place for family and soul, Shaw has positioned the viewer between the lure of the everlasting and the possibility of attaining that reality, sensation, idea, hope . A place we all hope to attain: home.sahw2

George Shaw is a member of Atlantic Works Gallery. An exhibit of his work “Home Again” is on exhibit at Galatea Fine Art in Boston, June 1-26, 2016. Upcoming shows at Atlantic Works, East Boston, and Colo Colo Gallery in New Bedford in the fall of 2016.



Artists for Animals Reception and Auction

Benefit in support of Citizens for Farm Animals

Thursday, July 14, 2016, 6-9PM

Work from over 70 artists will be on display, including anything from handmade jewelry to painting, for a silent auction with 100% of the proceeds benefitting the Citizens for Farm Animals campaign, which aims to make Massachusetts the first state in the US to mandate basic humane care standards for farm animals.

You do not need to bid/buy any works to enjoy and participate in the event, but if you do, you will taking home a piece of art to enrich your life at a price far below art gallery pricing while providing crucial financial support to an important landmark cause.

Add your voice to those of other Massachusetts citizens working to make our state the leader in the nation for compassionate care for all animals.

Reception and Auction: Thursday, July 14, 2016, 6-9PM
Participate: Become a member of the Facebook group
More info: (617) 913 1871

About Citizens for Farm Animal

Citizens for Farm Animal Protection is a grassroots campaign working to prevent cruelty to veal calves, egg-laying hens, and pigs by putting a measure on the November 2016 ballot. These animals are crammed into cages so small they can’t turn around or extend their limbs. This practice is abusive and increase the risk of food safety problems, like Salmonella. We’re a broad coalition of non-profit organizations, farmers and businesses, community leaders, and grassroots activists dedicated to enacting a ballot measure to ban the cruel confinement of farm animals.

In the fall of 2015, more than a thousand volunteers helped us reach and surpass our signature gathering goal, collecting over 100,000 signatures in 66 days to help put this on the ballot. For our second — and final — signature drive in May and June of 2016, our goal is to gather an additional 25,000 signatures from registered Massachusetts voters to qualify for the November 2016 ballot. By voting yes on this ballot question, we will help protect animals from abuse.