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One Moment On Going

New work by Carmen Sasso

One Moment On Going is an exhibit that extracts a sculptural prototype from a Picasso painting. The Cubist 2D format is perceived as a blue print for 3D structure. The figurative constructions, reflective of a Picasso image, are then developed with personalities determined by Greek Myth representing Pluto, Neptune, Venus and Mercury. Surrounding these sculptural dispositions, similar to the Roman Colosseum, are 5×5 square canvas.

Each painting is created with one intent: To listen as lightening strikes, and to witness the Osprey snatching a fish from the sea.

Salvatore Quasimodo sums up this artist’s attitude with a poem: “every one of us stands alone on the heart of the earth, Transfixed by a beam of sun; And suddenly it is evening.”

Exhibition dates: December 5 – 28, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, December 5th, 6-9pm
3rd Thursday Party: December 19th, 6-9pm

Missing Stories

Artwork by Shelah Horvitz

When people look at Horvitz’s paintings, they want to know the story. What is the bear looking at? Where is the owl going? Why? We make sense of the world through the stories we tell ourselves about our lives. Our stories reflect our passions, show our outlooks, and reveal our blind spots. The stories we tell are our self-portraits.

Horvitz’s paintings remind us of cave paintings, of children’s book illustrations, of religious paintings. They allude to times when our belief is pure and raw. But they have no easy answers. Her animals are neither cuddly nor vicious, they just are, trying to get by on their own terms, as we are. Her landscapes are open and full of menace or potential, depending on how you look at them. The story her painting triggers is your story, and it will change from view to view.

So when you look at one of Horvitz’s paintings, you may find yourself looking at yourself, at your most vulnerable, and at your most heroic. The story continues beyond the painting.

Exhibition dates: November 1–29, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday November 9, 6–9PM
3rd Thursday Party: November 21, 6–9pm



Things start out so promising, and then something gets in the way. Nothing goes according to plan. Psychological, spiritual and social difficulties crop up.  They are our obstacles. They give us energy or they take it away. They are the friction that propels our way through life.

barriers is an art installation by Bo Petran and Matthew Keller that consists of a series of environments reflecting these obstacles.

Petran explores the energy we may gain from the physical experience of death and destruction. Through the burning of piled wooden planks, he creates a very tangible barrier and a spectacle resplendent of the beauty and elegance of death.

Keller delves into the intangible barriers etched into our psyches through the practice and ritual of organized religion— in his own case, through the Catholic Church. His space, patterned after an altar and confessional, alludes to the emotional walls created by past misdeeds. His barriers are created by the thrill of freedom and maintained by the thrill of shame. Keller’s barriers are cleansed by prayer.

The opening (which is free) includes a performance from former bartender of No. 9 Park, Tyler Jay Wang, of the creation of a cocktail and a conversation on subjects chosen by the artists. Purchase tickets from to pass the barrier to this performance.

Exhibition Dates: October 5 – 26, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, 05 October, 6-9 PM (free of charge)
Performance by Tyler Jay Wang: Saturday, 05 October, 6-9 PM (by ticket)
Third Thursday Reception/Artist Talk: Thursday, 17 October, 6-9 PM
Masquerade Closing Party: Friday, 25 October, 6-9 PM
Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 2-6 PM



Through & Through: Inlaying, penetrating to the other side, carving, cutting; making images more durable; so they do not easily wear off.

Concepts of identity and personality, specifically the different personas that we can choose,adorn, or project. Those presentations can be fragile, ghosts of words and images appear, only to dissolve as they are glimpsed and new impressions are made. Like finding a new place, they suck you in driving to search deeper to learn more. New layers highlight words and images,
signaling pauses and turns in the narrative. They act as masks, both revealing and hiding. The process makes each representation removed from the original image so that the mask takes over. The mask confronts us. Confrontation and intimacy are an important aid in releasing, uncovering, and discovering who we are and who we can be.

Exhibition Dates: Tuesday 03 – Saturday 28 Sept 2013
Opening Reception: Tuesday, 03 September, 6-9 PM
Third Thursday Reception/Reading: Thursday, 19 September, 6-9 PM
Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 2-6 PM

With a Little Help From Our Friends


This time, it’s not all about us. We at Atlantic Works are about community, and we’re inclusive. We’re welcoming. Your ideas stimulate our ideas, and the exchange goes both ways. It is the dialog between the messages of friends, family, culture, and our own internal dictates that makes art relevant. In our annual FRIENDS show, we Atlantic Works artists invite friends whose input matters to us, whose work should be seen. We ask our artist friends with the most interesting ideas to contribute, to strut their stuff, to contribute to the dialog, to keep our gallery vital and fresh. We at Atlantic Works don’t go stale. Our FRIENDS show is part of the reason why. It will delight and ravish you with something that maybe you’ve never seen before.

Exhibition Dates: July 18 – August 17, 2013

Opening Reception: Thursday, July 18, 6-9 PM

Third Thursday Reception: Thursday, August 15, 6-9 PM

Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 2-6 PM

Two Views: Artworks by Carmen Sasso and X Bonnie Woods

Sasso: Inspired by the explosive grandeur of the Big Bang, the original act of Creation, Sasso writes, “I listen with intent to a timeless call. Primordial. I strive to let intuition, instinct and sublime reasoning guide my artistic experience. I do not re-create nature. I try to harness the forces that make planets spin, wolves howl, and animals pay attention.

Woods: “Sumi, a dense black Asian ink, has hardly seen use in the U.S. This explosive stuff has a life of its own, yet it’s the most elegant medium I’ve ever known.” These 2013 works inhabit a quirky place between painting and monoprint. Relief printing and ink washes dominate. The “Q-R” series takes a whimsical look at the ubiquitous q.r. code. “Designs for Michael” is a colorful, playful series in memory of Michael Limberakis, a stained-glass artist who died unexpectedly in March. Other black-andwhite works are map-like experiments with rain washes.

Exhibition dates: June 6—30, 2013

Opening Reception: Thursday June 6, 6–9PM

3rd Thursday Party: June 20, 6–9pm

Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm

Vermillion Sands

New Work by Richard Dorff and Charlene Liska

Subject: Simultaneity

Content: Including but is not limited to 1 scrim 8’ square; 2×4 four metal studs 16 inches on center covered with1 layer half inch plywood under half inch blue board finished with one eighth inch plaster skim coat and Behr ultra pure white paint, flat finish; 1 whale bone; 24’ floor to ceiling black-out curtain hanging from three quarter conduit tubing; 1 motion sensor; perimeter track lighting on dimmers, par 30, 75 watt flood and spot bulbs; 1 6×9 ’carpet; 1video projector; 2 large sculptures; 1 directional ‘sound shower’ speaker; 32 6×6” framed photographs; 3 8’ lengths one quarter inch stainless steel cable; 1 pedestal; plain sawn maple floor sanded and finished with 2 coats low luster polyurethane and 1 coat gloss polyurethane; motion sensor; assorted floor lamps; 3 miniature BW TV’s; 3 dvd players; 1 mixing board, amplifier and 2 speakers; 1 seascape, oil on canvas, 16×24”; 1 flood light; 1 video monitor; 2 plaster cherub legs; 1video projector; mostly generic art opening wine and food (but, who knows…could be some surprises…)

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Exhibition dates: May 4 – 31, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday May 4th, 6–9pm
3rd Thursday Artist Talk: May 16th, 6–9pm
Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm


VizPO: Artworks in which we use Words

It started with the Russian Futurists a hundred years ago, and now it’s everywhere—words in visual art. Or visual art made of words. Despite long taboos in both the art world and the literary world about mixing pictures and speech, the two cannot keep away from each other. The left brain and the right brain refuse to stay apart. You see the convergence in video, painting, sculpture, poetry, everywhere.

We at Atlantic Works are no exception. When this idea for a show was suggested we were surprised to realize how many of our artists were incorporating language in their work. It seems to come naturally. Sometimes words and images, like peanut butter and jelly, just go together.

Exhibition dates: April 6—27, 2013

Opening Reception: Saturday April 6, 6–9PM

3rd Thursday Party: April 18, 6–9pm

Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm

Exhibition: Feb 2013

Getting to Know You : Artwork by the New Members of Atlantic Works

“It’s a very ancient saying but a true and honest thought that if you become a teacher by your pupils you’ll be taught.”

The newest members of Atlantic works invite you to join them for tea, light refreshments and a civilized introduction to their art. Fancy dress encouraged though not required.

X Bonnie Woods
Diane Teubner
George Shaw
John Kennard
Marjorie Kaye
Branden Harrington
Kristen Freitas
Nick Di Stefano
Stephanie Arnett

Exhibition dates: March 8-30, 2013
Opening Reception: Friday March 8, 6–9PM
3rd Thursday Artist Talk: March. 21, 6–9PM
Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm

“In 1990 on my first day of work at MTV, I heard three homophobic remarks, so I knew I could not be myself at work. When I came out to my family, they feared for my safety, happiness and future.  Yet in 2013, to me living ‘out’ is as ordinary as brushing my teeth.”

As a 46-year old queer man, Eric Hess has lived through a sea change in societal attitudes towards gays. After decades of activists chanting,“We’re here, we’re queer, get used to us,” it appears that Americans have indeed gotten used to queers. At least in New England, for many the queer lifestyle is part of the new norm. For many, it still isn’t. However, the ramifications of first being part of a detested minority and then being part of an accepted minority profoundly affect how queers think of themselves and function within the world. In “Just Another Fag,” Hess explores this huge cultural shift with photography, video, dioramas and conceptual art.

Exhibition dates: February 8-23, 2013
DJ Party Opening Reception: Saturday Feb. 9, 6–9PM, music by DJ Dylan Jones
3rd Thursday Party: Feb. 21, 6–9pm, come dressed as your favorite gay!