Third Thursday Reception: Traverse Part II: The Invitational

Featuring Jess Stambaugh & Invited Guests

Join us this Thursday, March 20th, from 6-9 PM at Atlantic Works for Third Thursdays!

About Traverse Part II

Art is evolving faster then ever in this digital era. This month at Atlantic Works Gallery Jess Stambaugh’s show entitled Traverse Part II is unfolding and advancing as fast as light. New thoughts are being executed, more exciting art is being hung, other artists are showing. Don’t blink or else you will miss this moment of creative magnitude. Come to Third Thursday March 20th and live this moment to the fullest.

The pulse of digital culture is surging in a world of instant information and waning attention spans. Through a series of retrospective, witty and satirical collages, found sculpture Jess Stambaugh and her cohorts examine the surreal, often absurd, obsessive nature of connected in the digital age.

Third Thursday Reception: Thursday, March 20th, 6-9 PM

Traverse Part II: The Invitational

Featuring Jess Stambaugh & Invited Guests

Art is evolving faster then ever in this digital era. This month at Atlantic Works Gallery Jess Stambaugh’s show entitled Traverse Part II is unfolding and advancing as fast as light. New thoughts are being executed, more exciting art is being hung, other artists are showing. Don’t blink or else you will miss this moment of creative magnitude. Come to Third Thursday March 20th and live this moment to the fullest.

The pulse of digital culture is surging in a world of instant information and waning attention spans. Through a series of retrospective, witty and satirical collages, found sculpture Jess Stambaugh and her cohorts examine the surreal, often absurd, obsessive nature of connected in the digital age.

Exhibition Dates: March 7-28, 2014
First Fridays Opening Reception: Friday, March 7th, 6-9 PM
Third Thursday Reception: Thursday, March 20th, 6-9 PM

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A few images from the opening reception, and the day before:

27 Epiphanies by Suzanne Mercury

27 Epiphanies by Suzanne Mercury

Poem fragment on mirror, by Suzanne Mercury

Poem fragment on mirror, by Suzanne Mercury

Jess Stambaugh's Self-portrait collage

Jess Stambaugh’s Self-portrait collage

A few of Leigh Hall's paintings

A few of Leigh Hall’s paintings

At the opening, Andrew T talks to Andrew B

At the opening, Andrew T talks to Andrew B

Andrew's Performancce

Andrew’s Performancce

Charlene records the performance

Charlene records the performance

More of Jess's photos

More of Jess’s photos

People and Photos

People and Photos










New member, Sarah Rushford, shares some photos of the TOTEM show and the area around Atlantic Works.

For more photos, view here.

Terra Incognita

Featuring the new artists at Atlantic Works

Terra Incognita is the Latin term for lands that are yet unknown or charted, that lie beyond the edge of the map.

This month at Atlantic Works we are celebrating our newest members Andrew, Leigh Hall, Suzanne Mercury, and Jess Stambaugh and launching an exploratory voyage into the uncharted lands of their latest works in performance, painting, assemblage, and visual poetry.

Come in from the cold and join us!

Exhibition Dates: February 3-26, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 6th, 6-9 pm
Valentine Event: Friday, February 14th, 6-9pm
Third Thursday Reception: Thursday, February 20th, 6-9 pm

Kythe Heller’s poetry reading, scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2014 (7-9PM) has been cancelled.

Heller will be joining us again at Atlantic Works in March, date TBA. Stay tuned for updates.

TOTEM: Animal as Symbol

Artwork by Atlantic Works Members & Invited Guests

Join us at Atlantic Works Gallery for a special opening reception:
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2014, 6-9 PM

Opening Reception: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, 6-9 PM

TOTEM: Animal as Symbol

Artwork by Atlantic Works Members & Invited Guests

Join us at Atlantic Works Gallery for the opening reception: Thurs. Jan. 16, 2014, 6-9 PM

Have you ever felt the stirrings of an animal daemon (or soul) within you? Or felt a connection to the natural and animal world which made you feel like you were remembering something ancestral, dream-like, vital, and lost in our contemporary reality of extinction, dwindling resources, and degraded landscapes?

Historically, the TOTEM — or rather the shamanistic spirit it embodies — is an object or symbol representing an animal which served as an emblem of a family, clan, or tribe of people, reminding them of their ancestry, life-force, and mythic past. In this exhibit of installations, paintings, and video, the Atlantic Works Artists explore the idea of the totem, the animal dialog and the ties that bind us to the animal world.

As wild spaces become increasingly distant, and animals increasingly threatened with extinction, the works in this exhibit present a dramatic, revelatory tour of all that is wildly alive, and an invocation of what we are missing.

TOTEM: Animal as Symbol

Artwork by Atlantic Works Members & Invited Guests

Have you ever felt the stirrings of an animal daemon (or soul) within you? Or felt a connection to the natural and animal world which made you feel like you were remembering something ancestral, dream-like, vital, and lost in our contemporary reality of extinction, dwindling resources, and degraded landscapes?

Historically, the TOTEM — or rather the shamanistic spirit it embodies — is an object or symbol representing an animal which served as an emblem of a family, clan, or tribe of people, reminding them of their ancestry, life-force, and mythic past. In this exhibit of installations, paintings, and video, the Atlantic Works Artists explore the idea of the totem, the animal dialog and the ties that bind us to the animal world.

As wild spaces become increasingly distant, and animals increasingly threatened with extinction, the works in this exhibit present a dramatic, revelatory tour of all that is wildly alive, and an invocation of what we are missing.

Exhibition Dates: January 13 – 29, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, 6-9 PM