Boston Biennial 1

Happy Birthday to Nick’s Nana!


Listening to artists talks


Big crowd for art talks!


Hanging out at the card table


Good time at the opening

 Boston Biennial 3:

 a Biennial Project Production

Since it’s inauguration many years ago The Boston Biennial has become a cherished and much anticipated New England institution – not unlike Opening Day at Fenway or the Pops on the Fourth, gifting the public with exposure to cutting edge contemporary artistic practice, as well as serving an important role in invigorating and democratizing the Boston area creative community.

For The Boston Biennial , the Boston Biennial Selection Committee will again showcase a variety of the best work being produced in New England and the world, as well as to shine a spotlight on the collective that has clearly raised the bar for artistic production and theory in the area covered by the Original Thirteen Colonies (not to be confused with the Original Six NHL Franchises or the Seven Sister Colleges), namely THE BIENNIAL PROJECT.

A large screen projection will illuminate the work chosen for The Boston Biennial 3. The work chosen for the recent ArtVenice Biennale and the Biennial Roadshow Marfa will also be displayed digitally.

Additionally, the ever-expanding and dynamic membership of The Biennial Project will develop several new site specific installations and conceptual works while hopped up on diet coke and cheetos.

Don’t miss the social event of the summer season!

Gala Opening Reception
Thursday July 17th, 6-9 pm

Gala Closing Reception:
August 21st, 6-9 pm

Giant Gala Garage Sale:
Saturday July 26th, 2-6pm

The Biennial Project Retrospective:
40 Years of Our Art Special Gala Reception:
Thursday August 7th, 7pm (black tie encouraged)

Artist talk by Tatayana Fazlalizadeh

Artist talk by Tatayana Fazlalizadeh

Tatayana Fazlalizadeh's street art in East Boston

Tatayana Fazlalizadeh’s street art in East Boston

Tatayana Fazlalizadeh's street art in East Boston

Tatayana Fazlalizadeh’s street art in East Boston

Sculpture by Nora Valdez

Sculpture by Nora Valdez

Glass harmonica player

Glass harmonica player

Lovely harp music

Lovely harp music

Wedding Cake

“Wedding Cake” painting by Neil Wyatt, cake by friend of Sam’s

Eric Cooking

Eric Hess and his Easy Bake Oven

Bo with Baby

Bo with Matt’s aluminum baby

Join us as we kickoff Eastie Week and Open Studios with a special event tonight at 7pm.  Be the first to get a look at AW’s June show ENGENDERED before the official opening on Saturday and try some homemade ice cream!  Also, Eastie Week guest artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh will give an artist talk about her series, “Stop Telling Women to Smile”

Check out the interview on Big Red & Shiny’s Studio Sessions on friend of Atlantic Works, Stephanie Goode.


Atlantic Works Gallery is pleased to present ENGENDERED, an exhibition conceived and curated by Samantha Marder.

ENGENDERED explores how gender is variously perceived, running the gamut from the literal to the abstract. In a variety of media, ENGENDERED depicts aspects of the gender spectrum which may be clearly defined, fluid or ambiguous. The context may be biological, political, spiritual or sexual as well as personal statements of self identity, imposed identity or perceived identity.

Anxiety, serenity, humor, and indifference, profundity and superficiality, may all be evident in these collected works.

Exhibition dates: June 7, 2014 through July 7, 2014

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 7 6-9 pm

3rd Thursday Party: June 19 6-9 pm

Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm

Samantha Marder is no stranger to gender (bending) issues. She has spent the past 16 years as proprietress of My Changing Room, a cross-dressing studio based in Boston. She has acted as mentor and midwife, witness and friend to the realization of all manner of self-conceptions. Based on these and other experiences, Marder also makes collages, dioramas and installations which address the permutations of gender.

Other recent work includes the creation of her own perfume in conjunction with The Biennial Project which debuted at the Venice Biennale in 2013 and a photo series of gender oriented photographs. Currently she is doing costume and makeup design for the Atlantic Works Gallery remake of the film classic, Plan 9 from Outer Space.


Atlantic Works Gallery is pleased to present ENGENDERED, an exhibition conceived and curated by Samantha Marder.

ENGENDERED explores how gender is variously perceived, running the gamut from the literal to the abstract. In a variety of media, ENGENDERED depicts aspects of the gender spectrum which may be clearly defined, fluid or ambiguous. The context may be biological, political, spiritual or sexual as well as personal statements of self identity, imposed identity or perceived identity. Anxiety, serenity, humor, and indifference, profundity and superficiality, may all be evident in these collected works.

Exhibition dates: June 7, 2014 through July 7, 2014

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 7 6-9 pm

3rd Thursday Party: June 19 6-9 pm

Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6pm

Flying Saucers

Flying saucers over Hollywood!

Alien Ruler

Alien Ruler

Aliens: Ruler, Tanna, Eros

Aliens: Ruler, Tanna, Eros

Alien Crew

The whole crew

Vampira Menacing

Look out! Vampira!

Inspector Clay

Inspector Clay

Inspector Clay Rises

Inspector Clay rises from the grave.

Shooting a zombie

Shooting the scene

More silliness

More silliness

For the fourth year, the Magenta Foundation and local organizations will be producing the Flash Forward photography festival in downtown Boston.  With both indoor and outdoor exhibitions throughout the city (including the Photographic Practices show here at the gallery) plus a series of panels and networking events, this weekend is shaping up to be a wonderful celebration of local  talent and creativity.

Like to get the inside scoop? Read up on some of the local organizers including Greer Muldowney with this super article from Lenscratch or watch some of the speakers from past years.

Too shy to try new things without some backup?  Look for some of our friendly faces at Friday’s reception at the Fairmont Battery Wharf and show your support for Atlantic Works artist and Flash Forward 2013 winner, Stephanie Arnett.



ENGENDERED will explore how gender is perceived from the literal to the abstract. Artists are invited to submit work which depicts any aspect of gender – clearly defined, fluid or ambiguous. The context could be biological, sexual, spiritual, political, personal statements of self identity, imposed identity or perceived identity. Or total ennui. Some of us never consider gender – it just is. A very unconventional view of the unconventional is strongly encouraged.

GUIDELINES: Artwork may be in any medium, and must be ready for display upon delivery. While all reasonable care and precaution will be taken in the handling and installation of the work, Atlantic Works will not be responsible for
the loss of or damage to any work, nor liability for the artist.

To enter, fill out the following form and send no more than 3 jpgs for consideration to: with the subject line “ENGENDERED submission.”

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’ENGENDERED submission form’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’I certify that all artwork submitted ia my own and I am the sole owner of the rights to these works. I understand that the curator has the right of refusal to any artwork for any reason.’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Entry #1: Title’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #1: Medium’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #1: Dimensions’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #1: Price’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #2: Title’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #2: Medium’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #2: Dimensions’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #2: Price’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #3: Title’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #3: Medium’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #3: Dimensions’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Entry #3: Price’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]