October 2015

Evidence: work by Melissa Shook & Procession: work by Rachel Shatil October 1st - 24th Evidence, by Melissa Shook, comprises a series of daily self-portraits taken with an iPhone between December 2014 and July 2015, which advances…

September 2015

Something Out of Nothing: works by Leigh Hall, Martha McCollough, Michael St Germain, and Audrina Warren September 5th - 26th "I have never felt like I was creating anything. For me, it's like walking through a desert…

July / August 2015

Doppelgänger: a group show that explores parallels and connections between the work of gallery members and their invited guests   July 16th - August 20th Stephanie Arnett - Sarah Rushford / Suzanne Mercury - Peter…

June 2015

Away Mission: new works by Stephanie Arnett and Martha McCollough Away Mission: a metaphor for daydreaming and the internal life, in which the mind steps away from the perceptions created by the body and uses memory to form a constellation…

May 2015

Layered: new works on paper and in video by Kristen Freitas May 2nd - 28th Layers suggest depth and mystery over a vast range of entities from geological strata to historical representations of events to the recess of the human psyche,…

April 2015

Metaphors & Metamorphoses Leigh Hall and Suzanne Mercury April 4th - 26th Atlantic Works Gallery is pleased to present Metaphors &Metamorphoses, a lyrical and meditative exhibition which combines sculptural and mixed media images…