a balance act
new work by Nick Di Stefano & Carmen Sasso
03-26 December 2015
In A Balance Act, Sasso peels back some of the contradictions between realism and abstraction in visual art. He observes art’s past societal norms and innovations in search of that evolutionary moment when they diverge and then merge into something new.
For Di Stefano, the “balancing act” comes from the tension that inevitably arises between the artist, the piece, and the viewer. His pieces and installations challenge the audience to interact as participants in the deconstruction and transformation of spaces and collaborative works.
Opening Reception: Thursday, 03 DEC 2015, 6-9 PMThird Thursday Reception: Thursday, 17 DEC 2015, 6-9 PMFort Point Theatre Channel Performance: Thursday-Saturday, 10-12 DEC 2015Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 2-6 PM or by appointment