my name is jess, i live in a charming little town near boston known tenderly as allston rock city. i create things using found objects as canvases, make photographs, build scultptures, curate art happenings, run a critique group called "On the lam" (, do performances, send things via the us postal service, write silly awkard musings about my love life and i have no idea what i’m doing. currently i’m: working on photographic projects, collagingcollagingcollaging, interested in bower birds, making lists upon lists of loose ends i need to tie up, designing rubber stamps for cold hard cash, working on being an artist in a digital world, and planning a couple of shows in the near future
i’m jess, i'm an artist, an aries, i like long walks on the beach, woody allen, and i went to slavaki last july to hang out and drink warm vodka with some world renowned jazz muscians, polish royalty, and a couple of artists in a dive bar on the fringes of poland.